Journal of the Northern Renaissance

~ Radical Open Access ~

Information for publishers & authors

JNR is always interested in reviewing books, exhibitions, films or any other form of cultural or academic endeavour focused on the Northern Renaissance. If you are a publisher or author and would like your book reviewed in JNR, please contact our reviews editor.

JNR is a founding member of the Network of Book Review Editors (NBRE). We fully endorse the NBRE’s policy statement regarding digital-only & digital-first review copy policies, and the importance of hard copies being made available for review to those reviewers who request them.

Where we receive a review copy in the form requested by our reviewer, we try to ensure that we publish a review or, in the worst case, arrange for the review copy to be returned to the publisher. We appreciate that it is not always feasible for smaller presses in particular to supply review copies to all those journals that request them. If you would like us to review a book published by a smaller press unable to supply a hard copy for review, please do contact us and we will try to find a suitable reviewer.

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