Editorial (HTML/PDF)
Lynsey McCulloch and Patrick Hart
‘Properer Men’: Myth, Manhood and the Trojan War in Greene, Shakespeare and Heywood (HTML/PDF)
Katherine Heavey
A Provincial English Reader of Lipsius: John Trussell of Winchester and the ‘Lipsian paradigm’ (HTML/PDF)
Robert F. W. Smith
Chetham’s Library MS A.4.15: an Inns of Court Manuscript? (HTML/PDF)
Joel Swann
Issue 7.2 : Review Article Supplement (2017)
All seasons or none? 500 years of Thomas More’s Utopia (HTML/PDF)
J.C. Davis
Doppelgänger Dilemmas? Anglo-Dutch relations in the early modern period (HTML/PDF)
Martine Julia van Ittersum