Editorial: The Idea of the North ( HTML / PDF )
Patrick Hart and Sebastiaan Verweij
❧ The Idea of North ( HTML / PDF )
Andrew Hadfield
❧ Periodization, Modernity, Nation: Benjamin Between Renaissance and Baroque ( HTML / PDF )
Jane O. Newman
❧ Nuremberg and the Topographies of Expectation (HTML / PDF)
Jeffrey Chipps Smith
❧ Ficino in Aberdeen: The Continuing Problem of the Scottish Renaissance ( HTML / PDF )
Jane Stevenson and Peter Davidson
❧ Frances Quarles’ Early Poetry and the Discourses of Jacobean Spenserianism ( HTML / PDF )
Adrian Streete
❧ Jesuits and Philosophasters: Robert Burton’s Response to the Gunpowder Plot ( HTML / PDF )
Kathryn Murphy
❧ Dreams, Freedom of Speech, and the Demonic Affiliations of Robin Goodfellow ( HTML / PDF )
R.W. Maslen